Thursday, 14 February 2019

YCK- Success Stories

1. *Sarah*

*Sarah* is my name. I am 21 years of age. My mentor referred me to YCK to help me deal with trauma. My close relative who was almost like a brother abused me sexually and leaving with him on the same roof made healing slower than expected. I was scared of sharing this with anyone because I knew no one could believe my story. I needed emotional support and that is what YCK offered me. Besides that, I was going through a family crisis which I am still going through but now I can manage and handle what is going on. Though am still struggling I couldn't have been where I am without the support received from YCK. Youth Changers has taught me how to be courageous, assertive, confident, resilient, outspoken and they gave me a listening ear. I would go for this organization over others a million times. Thanks for your support.


My name is*Reena* I am 20 years old. I heard about Youth Changers Kenya from a friend. I have been part of the organization for the past two years. When I first joined the organization I was dealing with low self- esteem. I am now confident and I have high levels of self-awareness. I have received counseling services; coaching, mentorship, and opportunities from the organization have made me a better person.


My name is *Joe* I am 26 years old from Kiambu- County. I have known YCK for 4 years through a friend. It has been an awesome journey because I have gained knowledge through their forums. I have had the privilege of accessing sexual health information. YCK has enlightened me and I am able to make informed choices and decisions. I find it very difficult talking about my personal issues during the forums because many times friends are always present. However, it is easier to talk about a topic though not to disclose personal experiences. Many times I choose to keep my issues as a secret due to the pain I have experienced. I  am also concerned about what people will think about me. YCK has been so supportive of the youths; it would be great if they can come up with an online platform where young people can be able to discuss their issues without fear.

My name is *Esther* I am 21 years old. I was born and raised in Kiambu County.  I joined high school and my dream was to become an environmental scientist. I did not perform well in KCSE making it difficult for me to pursue my dream. I was so confused, hopeless and I almost giving up with life after high school. I was not sure what move to make next. I was linked up to Youth Changers Kenya where I received career guidance, mentorship & coaching. I realized all is not lost and I will not allow my KCSE grades to determine my future. YCK supported me in choosing a Career. I completed my Certificate course and I intend to enroll for a diploma program this year. I have also had the privilege of being a student leader in college.


I interacted with Youth Changers Kenya when I was 14 years. I was a troubled child who had experienced emotional, verbal abuse and I was separated from my family (grew up with my grandmother). I didn’t have high levels of confidence and struggled with low self-esteem. I hated myself and wished that I was dead. My school performance went low as a result of what was happening. YCK showed me empathy and care which helped me feel understood (this kept me going). "Getting someone to hold me up has brought me this far". My levels of confidence have improved; I have more self-worth and improved my leadership abilities (which made me become the school head-girl). Additionally, I have developed resilience and handle challenges differently. Through YCK I had the opportunity to interact with top county officials (this has been such an honor) and represented young people at a national conference. I am a different person who is optimistic about life & meeting mentors has made me have a different view of life. “Walk with great minds you will become a great mind”.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I work for the British Medical Journal and am looking for people with your experiences to write for us about sexual and reproductive health... we are about the publish a series of articles on sexual and reproductive health and would like to compliment this with an article written by young people and local advocacy organisations where people really understand the real challenges. We know that the global policy often feels a million miles away from the reality that many local groups experience. We are looking to publish by the end of March. The guidelines for the type of article that we are looking for are here > My email is and you can also see our work here > I'm really happy to speak on the phone to explore this with you, and look forward to hearing from you.
